
Erasmus+ programme

Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027. With a budget of €28.4 billion, the programme aims to promote the learning mobility of individuals and groups and the collaboration, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation of education and training organisations and policies, as well as youth and sports organisations and policies.

In particular, the programme allows university and doctoral students to spend a study period of at least three months (mobility for study) or two months (mobility for traineeship) and a maximum of twelve months at another university in one of the countries participating in the programme. The Erasmus student receives a financial contribution, has the opportunity to attend courses and/or carry out an internship period, and to take advantage of the facilities available at the host university without additional tuition fees, with the guarantee of recognition of the period of study abroad through the transfer of credits.


For all information on the Erasmus programme, you can visit the "international" section of the websites of the degree courses in Chemistry and Chemical Technologies and Chemical Sciences.
For further information, please contact Prof. Mauro Giovannini.

Last update 11 June 2024